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America Under Attack

My Fellow God Fearing Americans;

I am tired of this! It is the left that has completely destroyed the morals of this great Judeo-Christian country. They DO NOT believe in God. Why? Because, if they did, it would mean someday they would have to give an account of what they have done. It's much easier for them to believe they've evolved from beasts so they don't have to bear the guilt of their ways.

Now, we all have brought this great nation to the brink of bankruptcy. We've waxed fat. We enjoyed the luxuries our government handed out. This was allowed because the left wants to establish a one world system in which they can have complete control over the ignorant masses that their liberal education system has spewed out.

Their agenda: To completely eliminate our 'unalienable Rights' which our 'Creator' endowed us with.

If one cannot see this, they are blind. Their next move is to use this new world government to trump our very own Constitution. The Constitution our forefather's formed to protect us from our government, to limit its powers, to confine its control, to protect the individual, 'and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.' The U.S. Constitution IS NOT a living breathing document that changes with the tide, that's why it has an amendment clause.

Our Christian forefathers created a free, economic system that along with the blessings of God, has made this nation the greatest in the world. Yes, it works because it is man's nature to better himself. Sure, there is greed, mankind will never be perfect. But, if one cannot improve his situation, he will not strive to better himself, hence, the failure of both communism and socialism.

What we are in dire need of now are leaders with back bone. Not ones who will cater to the left, but ones who will FIGHT them. The left has NEVER catered to the Right, they despise the Right. Why? Because the Right stands in the left's way. Look around, the left has rose to power by incorporating every godless coalition, enriching special interest groups with extravagant powers (which go well beyond individual rights) , and fear mongering (falsely praying on the weak and helpless with their lies) .

Abraham Lincoln once said, 'If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.' His point being that government 'of the people, by the people, for the people' could only be destroyed from within.

This is our last chance. FIGHT! FIGHT FOR YOURSELVES! FIGHT FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN! FIGHT FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS! FIGHT FOR YOUR FRIENDS! FIGHT FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT FIGHT FOR THEMSELVES! FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! And pray. Yes, even for your enemies, that God will open their eyes and allow them to see. And if He doesn't, then we MUST stand in their way. FOLLOW THE LAW, DO IT ALL IN THE MOST UPRIGHT AND LAW ABIDING WAY. God DOES NOT approve of violent mob madness.

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